From its beginning, The Apostolic Assembly has had the need to train its ministers and leaders. During the first convention in 1925, which was held in San Bernadino, California, it was immediately noticeable to our founders that ample time needed to be giving to the study of different issues. This practice was maintained for many conventions, as these respective acts demonstrate. President Antonio C. Nava and Benjamin Cantu were burdened to provide some type of formal education to their pastors and ministers. Pastors Leonardo Sepulveda, Ernesto Cantu, and others-initiated bible college projects, but these were economically limited.
In 1966, under the direction of pastor Eleazar Rodriguez, the National Apostolic Bible College was founded in Hayward, California. There he worked with much success for many years. Many of his graduates served faithfully as pastors. Others continue to serve in different functions as teachers, leaders, or bishops. In 1978, the NABC was moved to San Jose, California. Where its rector was bishop Daniel Jauhall. The National Apostolic Bible College was then moved to facilities of the Apostolic Assembly in Ontario, California. There, its rector was bishop Richard Almaraz, the Secretary of Christian Education at the time.
Bishop Samuel Valverde, the Secretary of Christian Education from 1990 to 1998, directed the NABC during his service, and implemented an experimental program called “Apostolic Institute of Ministries. A specific contribution of this period was the realization of different intensive courses for pastors of all districts. By the end of 1980s, different districts began to realize educational programs for their pastors to address the need to better equip ministers and leaders.
From 1998 to 2006, bishop Luciano Montes, who served these years as Secretary of Christian Education, prompted the formation of a Bible College in every district, under the authority of the NABC, with the aid of bishop Marcos Zacarias. This was another very important step to take biblical preparation to the whole nation. In the beginning of 2007, Secretary of Christian Education, bishop Ismael Martin del Campo traced out the following goals:
A) To recognize the international outreach of the college, the name was changed from National Apostolic Bible College to “INTERNATIONAL APOSTOLIC BIBLE COLLEGE” (IABC).
B) The goal was established to have 40 manuals for the complete Bachelor’s in Theology program to be written by apostolic teachers and pastors.
C) Steps were taken so that the IABC graduates could continue in post-graduate studies at fully accredited institutes. This is now a present reality through the accord signed with some of these seminaries.