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Our Mission

Our Bible College has focused its efforts on the mission of equipping the leaders of our beloved district, whether they are pastors, ministers, deacons, and/or faithful members of our congregations. The great commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ in Mark 16:15 "And he said unto them, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" demands of the church an adequate and profound preparation of the sacred scriptures.  It is with this commission in mind that the West Texas District Bible College has taken on the task of preparing dynamic classes and materials that respond to the challenges that the church is facing in our days. In our courses, each student can grow in their theological knowledge and will discover new tools that will help them search in a broader way, the holy scriptures, so that they can fulfill in a more effective way the call that God has given them.

Woman with Bible

Core Commitment

1. We are committed to our Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings, which are found in the Gospel that he himself preached.

2. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that it is divinely inspired.

3. We believe in the Oneness of God, and that outside of Him there are no other gods.

4. We believe that God should be loved with all heart, soul, mind, and strength, while pursuing excellence in spiritual, academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities, always doing everything for the glory of God.

5. We profess that the Bible is the law given by God to men and that no other law or rule is above what God has established in His sacred scriptures.

6. We profess and practice baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. We teach our students to read, study, believe, and preach God's word.

8. We believe in holiness, and that without it, no one will see the Lord.

9. We empower students to read, understand, and trust the Bible, and to be firmly grounded in the truth that we find on it.

10. We teach students to think critically, speak and write clearly and effectively, use technology effectively, develop interpersonal skills, and pursue personal and professional ethics through biblical literacy and integration.

11. We provide opportunities for students to serve and promote a culture of lifelong commitment to servant-leadership.


Our Philosophy

Engaging Students with Profound Experiences

At IABC West Texas District, we respect our students and understand that each of them has individual wants and needs. We believe that learning can only be fostered from a feeling of mutual respect, guidance, and direction, and we do our very best to maintain those values in everything we do. Our unique approach supplies our students with the proper support system that will help lead them down the path to success.

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